Thursday, June 23, 2016

One month later

It's been awhile since I last wrote - but it seems like nanoseconds.   Time is flying by and I count it in many ways.  Every three weeks - chemo - now on number 14 next Friday... Pet scan every 9 weeks - had one Monday... and now married for two months!   Things continue to go phenomenally well.   We have been busy with little time to fret over things that I can't control.  Now I await the reading of the PET scan.

Meanwhile, I will give you brief glimpse at how John and I are keeping busy and having a great time.  Memorial Day weekend we flew to Austin to spend time with David Jr. And share with John some of the "things I like about Texas."   We did Luckenbach, Wimberly, Fredericksberg..... Saw Chris Gage and his wife Christina Albert perform... Caught up with dear friends Sheryl Johnson and LAURIE Shields,   And avoided the flooding!   A whirlwind of a weekend spontaneously planned.

Above we ere at the Steiner Ranch about to enjoy some great steaks!

Other busy-ness included a paint night with Will and KA.

Hatheway house garden party with great food and music!

Thanks to my family, friends and John(redundunt but worth singleing out),  I am kept busy and learning.  I am planning to attend a creative writing course with my High School friend and her husband teaching in Maryland this weekend.  Why, you may ask, is someone who majored in Mathematics with graduate degrees going to a creative writing class- because no matter what else happens I know I will be entertained, gain a different paradigm on a number of things, and leave with some life enhancing nuggets of words from Suzan, and probably Jim.  I am looking forward to it and fearing being so far out of my comfort zone.

AND finally, I have spent the last three days exceptionally concerned about the results of the Monday PET scan - the demarkation of another 9 weeks having passed, another 9 weeks into the regiment with a limitted time affectiveness.  Wondering, and fearing the results...  They came in this morning, Thursday.  First thing I checked  when I awoke -  and  they look GOOD.  Tomorrow I talk with the Doctor, and find out for sure,  but many of you are also curious and I am pretty confident that I will stay the course for another nine weeks!

Although I do not think about the "diagnosis" - that is the Cancer growing in my body (more difficult to say) all the time as I had feared last Fall,  when I do think about it, it truly envelopes my whole thought process with anxiety and stress..   I get testy and can say harsh words to those around me, those who have given me great support.  I wish it were not true.  I ask for some patience and forgiveness.  You know who you are!!

If you have taken the time to read this and are not someone I have talked to in the last 9 weeks - drop me a note and let me know how YOU are doing.  I care about YOU and would love to hear back.

Enjoy- and thanks for being concerned.

Carpe Diem


Amaros,amaros Amaros

WE also got an education         about a  AMAROS -          CARDAMARP     AMARO MONTENEGRO     AMARO NONINO and     SFUMATO I'll Get bac...