Silliness comes at all ages, and we all need some of that. So here we were, 5 full grown women, each with a diverse background and stories to tell, convening in honor of a dear friend.

Cathy and I have been friends since High school, where we would knit during our classes, not knowing how ahead of our time we were. Still knitting, I gave Cath a skein of a personal favorite yarn of mine - the Blue Heron Rayon Metallic - the Denim color will be terrific with her coloring.

Simon and Garfunkel - Old friends- I have it playing as I write... "time it was, what a time it was.. I have some photographs...." but here's the line I forgot was there " how terribly strange to be seventy." Woof (as John Robison would say) - what were we thinking. How terribly strange to be sixty would work as a concept - although not for the rhyme. What a journey.
Friendships a precious and as I have moved a bunch I realize how important it is to be "intentional" about friendships. How quickly they can fade into oblivion if not nurtured and cared for. In our fast paced world, although communication tools abound, the preciousness of shared history needs our attention. If you have taken the time to read this, maybe you would take minute to call a friend you haven't talked to in a while and let me know how that worked for you. It works for me. let's share.