For Example..... John and I planned a trip to Dallas, intending to visit my son John in the town he lived in. Unfortunately, NO FORTUNATELY, John called while I was planning, to tell us he was coming to Boston for an interview! I had no idea he had even put together his resume! All went well and a month later, he arrived in Boston for his new job the day before we left for Dallas. He is enjoying it, seems very happy, and making his way. I am very proud of him, not to mention so pleased to have him so much closer. I anticipate opportunities to spend more time with him in the future. He is working for Perkin Elmer at a customer lactation with responsibilities for (P&E's) testing equipment. I think I have that close to right.
BUT WAIT, THERE IS EVEN MORE! I am finally able to pass on some other news that pleases me no end and gives me a longer term perspective on my planning that I have allowed myself since the diagnosis. Yep, Will and KA are going to make me a Grannie in October! Gotta stick around. As you can imagine, I get a little weepie when I think of Will holding his own baby. I am so looking forward to this.
With all this wonderful news, I also have a longer re spit between doctor visit and can, for a few moments at a time, not be conscious of the diagnosis because I am so lucky to be with great friends and family. There is great anticipation in upcoming events as well as more motivation to keep positive and strong.