Tuesday, March 31, 2020

self quarantine

Haven’t left the house in two weeks.  john And i haven’t killed each other and I am more thankful for having him in my life every day.  the first week of our quarantine was quiet as we both dug into our own projects....John cleaning out his office from 30 years of gathering, and me organizing my paints thinking of taking it up again.

 Then last Saturday we decided to go for a walk.  My walking has deteriorated from the and regressed to a tilted walk in the previous week,  a walk I had. About 6 weeks ago where my head starts leading and I have to stop to let my feet catch up - hard to explain but clearly not normal.  I believe it from my drugs and my doctor’s agree.  I was debating taking a holiday from them when....I tripped on uneven sidewalk pavers, smashed up my face and who knows what to my right leg and knee.  JOHN dragged me off the street and into the house.  MY leg was useless and my face was dripping. Blood.  John had a pretty good case of raking me to the emergency room but i dug in my heals.  He got me to the recliner in the family room and that is essentially where i have remained.

Now i am navigating on the first floor and have increased my range to the entire first floor = 1/2 at a time,   It’’s exhausting,

Beware...in this state of aloneness i have reverted making phone calls in a random fashion.  Connecting with friends on facebook that i haven’t talked to in years when i see they are online. For Christmas i bought. Myself a “Portal” primarily to read books. To WILLIAM. We have read a few and total joy without hugs.it’s very handy with this isolation business,

Next blog i may do a video...til then

STay Well and.  Stay safe


1 comment:

ahmed said...
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