Before I jumped out of the air plane, I had been dealing with a lot of back pain, hip pain yada yada. I had been going to a physical therapist, a Michael Fall in Suffield who has worked wonders for friends. We both thought it was something called and SI problem, which I had had before and had cured by PT some years ago. Michael wasn’t concerned about the plane jump – and truthfully there is no connection. However, continued therapy only made the pain worse until I was restricted to 40 steps! 40 steps barely made it to the mail box. 40 steps is less than almost any doctor’s office is from a place to park the car. 40 steps worked ok for my many business calls because I could park outside. Unfortunately, my motivation to work was hindered by continued pain.
Walking Gracie with the limit of 40 steps led me to pull out my bicycle. Gracie, being the super dog that she is, learned quickly to avoid the tires and run alongside. We do our best to make due, but this isn’t going to last too long.
From my GP to and MRI on August 27th, and back the GP, the quest for relief continued. When I went back to the GP – Mary Anne Webster, women I highly respect and feel very comfortable talking with, she entered the examining room with a very sad face. This caused the blood to rush from my face and I felt faint. This was not a good sign. There seemed to be a number of potential issues but the one that was causing the problem was identified between L4 and L5. She referred me to a neuro surgeon. I made an appointment with a Dr. Wakefield, and had one in three weeks. Yuck. Waiting was painful. I picked up the actual MRI CD and took it to
On Tuesday the 9th I went to see Sean Brennan,
Monday, Sept. 15th I got a call from the steroid man and I could get in on Tuesday – that was the leap – oh, please let’s keep the faith. Nerves, fear, pain – this is exhausting. I made the appointment for noon. Arriving full of trepidation and anticipation I was issues a penoir set – not very attractive although the gown and robe did match. After signing many papers for many people to bill my insurance company and agreeing to take the leap, I was escorted into the operating room. Two nurses assisted getting me comfortable and situating the x-ray machine for the good Doctor to view his destination. Twenty minutes later it was done! No burning sensation, just some pinching and pulling. I still felt the pain, had trouble walking any distance. Given my exit papers and my clothes, I exited and returned home – for yet another nap! No relief. I had hoped that I would wake up cured, and continue to do so.
It’s now Wednesday, and I am pleased to say that there IS relief. Not total but I can walk farther and rest better. I am still exhausted and napping but each time I awake it is with a bit more strength and less pain. May the next nine days continue with this progress!
I’ll keep you posted!
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